Job Application
Are you creative and passionate about technology? Are you a team player and looking to thrive in your career? If you‘re interested in what ROQAY can offer you, fill out our application along with your resume and submit.
Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. -- Andrew Carnegie
We believe that our staff are our partners in success, therefore we strive to create a creative and challenging work environment for our staff, while maintaining work-life balance and providing them with opportunities to grow and develop new skills.
We have also implemented Reward and Recognition Programs that include monetary and non-monetary rewards for individuals and groups, in addition to performance based increments and promotions, such as Employee of the Month, Employee of The Year, end of project celebration, company outings, staff birthdays, annual public celebrations, and other social events. Staff rewards vary from cash to electronic devices, dinner invitations, gift vouchers, airline tickets, etc...