Caro company e-commerce website
Caro website is professionally and distinctively designed, The website is available in Arabic and English, through the app user can order all Caro Group products with ease.
The user can choose the city in which he lives in Kuwait country , specify the exact address, and specify the product he wants. After that, he will see the time taken for the arrival of his order.
Caro e-commerce website provides 3 different ways to pay : cash or via credit cards or via K-net.
The visitor can also send the order as a gift by entering the receiver’s phone number and the order will reach him easily.
Websites , By Type , E-Commerce , By Industry
Project Date
2020-04-08 -
Visit website
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Website -
Client info
CARO General Trading Co.

About Client
It is a Kuwaiti company specialized in providing many products and food commodities such as water Packs , juices and jam.