Katateeb App
Katateeb App for teaching Qur’an, it is the first app that is concerned with correcting the recitation of the Noble Qur’an phonetically by a group of expert Holy Qur’an teachers.
Through the application, the user can choose style of recitation he wants from among the ten styles of recitation, choose a surah, part, or verse to review, and make conversations between teachers and learners.
Through the application, the learner can also start the session and send an audio message with his recitation
recitation can also be modified by voice or text messages by the Qur’an teachers, with evaluation of the learner’s recitation after the end of the session.
Katateeb App has been recently updated and some features and advantages have been added to it. Now the user can create a live session, and create a scheduled session.
Project Date
2022-11-17 -
Mobile app -
Client info

About Client
Katateeb App is a project specialized in teaching the Noble Qur’an remotely, through the audio correction of the participants’ recitation, under the supervision of a group of specialized experts.