Tarweaa website and application are designed by Roqay Company , This website and app mainly target the segment of employees and workers. the user can get a healthy breakfast in your place, as it provides a delivery service.
With Tarweaa website and app , users can choose a monthly or weekly subscription, And can specify the days and time of delivery and choose the meal he wants and it will reach him throughout the subscription days without the need to re-order or remind.
Users can order healthy and delicious breakfast meals with Tarweaa App easily.
The user can choose the type of subscription” monthly or weekly” , choose the days that he wants and pick the type of meals for each day of the subscription.
Project Date
2020-02-23 -
Visit website
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Website - App -
Client info

About Client
Tarweaa is your only way to a healthy home breakfast in your home or work place, Tarweaa provides a website and a mobile app so that users can enjoy the monthly or weekly subscription service in ready-made or customized breakfast menus that are prepared on a fresh and healthy daily basis, and the meals are delivered to their owners at the time and place specified in advance without the need to confirm or re-order the daily